Mental Health Counselor in Jupiter, Florida

Susan Davis R.N.M.S. Licensed Mental Health Counselor in Jupiter FloridaSusan Davis is a licensed mental health counselor located on Indiantown Road in Jupiter Florida. She founded the Northlake Center for Counseling in 1998 and have been helping a wide variety of clients ever since.

What is Mental Health Counseling?

When people generally hear the word “Counseling” or “Counselor” they typically think of the scenario of quiet rooms, couches, and talking through various issues with a licensed counselor. Mental health counselors typically focus helping their clients cope with difficult life events such as death of a loved one, relationship issues or divorce. Counselors also help people manage more serious mental illnesses like bipolar disorder. Counselors understand when to refer their clients to other sources when additional issues arise, like violence in their life or risk of suicide.

Cognitive therapy is commonly used in helping to treat mental afflictions, but there are many other types. Susan uses a variety of techniques, including Meditation, the Grief Recovery Method, and the Radical Forgiveness Solution. She finds what’s most needed for her clients and matches a method to help them.

Susan is also a certified Reiki Master and uses it’s technique in mental health counseling. Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. Reiki is a simple, natural and safe method of spiritual healing and self-improvement that everyone can use. Reiki also works in conjunction with all other medical or therapeutic techniques to relieve side effects and promote recovery.

You can learn more about mental health counseling on the American Mental Health Counselors Association website. AMHCA is the leading national organization for licensed clinical mental health counselors. When choosing a counselor, please make sure they are accredited and licensed. Licensed counselors must apply to the latest privacy standards as set by the industry.

Relief Right Here in Jupiter, FL

Contact Susan Davis today if you’d like to have a one-on-one. She can help you work through and treat whatever mental struggles you might be dealing with on a daily basis. You can view all of the services that Susan offers, as well as call us at 561-743-7958 to learn more about the workshops that she offers.

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Susan Davis LMHC